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'All In' strategy all on White Sox, not fans - South Side Sox

And If my family needs to schedule, plan, and pay for a MLB baseball game like a once-a-summer vacation, I'm going to plan it like a vacation. We're going to get the most bang for our entertainment/vacation buck. .... 3- The new gate 5 restaurant is called ?Comiskey's.? That should give fans something to do before or after the game. The new Cork and Kerry at 33rd and Princeton is pretty nice. 4- The Sox appear to be terrified of attracting the ?dirtball? demographic. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

'All In' strategy all on White Sox, not fans - South Side Sox

And If my family needs to schedule, plan, and pay for a MLB baseball game like a once-a-summer vacation, I'm going to plan it like a vacation. We're going to get the most bang for our entertainment/vacation buck. .... 3- The new gate 5 restaurant is called ?Comiskey's.? That should give fans something to do before or after the game. The new Cork and Kerry at 33rd and Princeton is pretty nice. 4- The Sox appear to be terrified of attracting the ?dirtball? demographic. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Mini Vacation part 2

We go to turn the first corner, and a TSA agent looks at me, removes the barrier and says, "Follow me please". Shoot, we are in trouble for getting under the barrier. "No sir, we have a "Family" security line, it should be easier for ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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